The Blockheads - Cancelled

Fri Nov 26 2021

7:00 PM Doors

The Brook

466 Portswood Road Southampton SO17 3SD

Ages 18+

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Regretfully we have to announce that, due to deteriorating and ongoing health issues affecting key band members, exacerbated by the current crisis, it is no longer possible for the band to continue LIVE work at the intensity and regularity they have been for the past 45 years.
Following medical advice we have instructed our agents and promotors that we have no option but to cancel all shows for the foreseeable future. 
Until such times as these pervading problems can be addressed and resolved we cannot now consider taking the risk of exposing vulnerable BLOCKHEAD immune systems to the rigours and stresses of ‘the road’. 
You, our fans, have been loyal, supportive and magnificent throughout not only the glory days with Ian but also, more importantly, in the years following his death in March 2000. Your help, encouragement and dedication to Blockhead identity by regularly attending shows and purchasing our merchandise has enabled the band to continue to write, record and perform as a unique and independent entity for 20 years. 
There will remain a truly special place in our hearts for all Honorary Blockhead Members whose continuous support, from the memberships’ inception to the present day, has been exceptional and inspiring and, without doubt, nurtured the band through difficult times.  
We have all travelled the decades together. You have watched us, and we have seen you, grow from young and glamorous to older and wiser. By exposing and introducing our music and lyrics to consecutive generations you have established a place for us as influencers in the musical history of the U.K. For this we will be forever grateful, both personally and professionally.
BLOCKHEADS LTD, the company under which The Blockheads band has traded since 2001, has been reliant on the revenue generated by regular live appearances for its existence. In light of these unfolding circumstances this is no longer tenable and in order to preserve the integrity of the company, during this hiatus, our immediate future sustainability will now rely on subscription based platforms like PATREON ( where we can deliver to you performances and rarities from our archive and links, chats and invites to all Blockhead associated projects. The band intend to continue to explore ways to play live and reach out to fans by using the technology available and sourcing a dedicated venue/venues from which to operate in a more established setting.
Going forward, treatments and recoveries permitting, the band intend to make themselves available for appearances at selected events in 2022. A less hectic and more achievable goal under present circumstances.
Thank you for all your messages of concern and support  
Mick Gallagher
… for The Blockheads

The Blockheads - Cancelled

  • Event Cancelled.

The Blockheads - Cancelled

Fri Nov 26 2021 7:00 PM Doors

The Brook Southampton
The Blockheads - Cancelled
  • Event Cancelled.

Ages 18+

Regretfully we have to announce that, due to deteriorating and ongoing health issues affecting key band members, exacerbated by the current crisis, it is no longer possible for the band to continue LIVE work at the intensity and regularity they have been for the past 45 years.
Following medical advice we have instructed our agents and promotors that we have no option but to cancel all shows for the foreseeable future. 
Until such times as these pervading problems can be addressed and resolved we cannot now consider taking the risk of exposing vulnerable BLOCKHEAD immune systems to the rigours and stresses of ‘the road’. 
You, our fans, have been loyal, supportive and magnificent throughout not only the glory days with Ian but also, more importantly, in the years following his death in March 2000. Your help, encouragement and dedication to Blockhead identity by regularly attending shows and purchasing our merchandise has enabled the band to continue to write, record and perform as a unique and independent entity for 20 years. 
There will remain a truly special place in our hearts for all Honorary Blockhead Members whose continuous support, from the memberships’ inception to the present day, has been exceptional and inspiring and, without doubt, nurtured the band through difficult times.  
We have all travelled the decades together. You have watched us, and we have seen you, grow from young and glamorous to older and wiser. By exposing and introducing our music and lyrics to consecutive generations you have established a place for us as influencers in the musical history of the U.K. For this we will be forever grateful, both personally and professionally.
BLOCKHEADS LTD, the company under which The Blockheads band has traded since 2001, has been reliant on the revenue generated by regular live appearances for its existence. In light of these unfolding circumstances this is no longer tenable and in order to preserve the integrity of the company, during this hiatus, our immediate future sustainability will now rely on subscription based platforms like PATREON ( where we can deliver to you performances and rarities from our archive and links, chats and invites to all Blockhead associated projects. The band intend to continue to explore ways to play live and reach out to fans by using the technology available and sourcing a dedicated venue/venues from which to operate in a more established setting.
Going forward, treatments and recoveries permitting, the band intend to make themselves available for appearances at selected events in 2022. A less hectic and more achievable goal under present circumstances.
Thank you for all your messages of concern and support  
Mick Gallagher
… for The Blockheads
The Blockheads

The Blockheads


Please see announcement from the band